LAN Installations, Telephone Installations, Electrical Installations, Fiber Optic Cable Installations, Security Camera System Installations, Raised Floor Installations,
Osaka Tokyo---Shinnittsu Corporation

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OAフロア工事 新日通

With more advanced OA equipment and networks, is your office wiring for telephone, LAN and electricity a mess? Have you ever tripped on a LAN cable causing disconnection and data loss? Although cord covers may be one solution, they protrude from the floor and may not be visually and functionally ideal.
We recommend OA floors (double floors). A double floor allows formerly hindering cables to be stored under the floor and covered by carpet tiles for a neat appearance. This simplifies cable maintenance and layout changes and improves durability.

We offer design and installation solutions to match the use and size of your office as well as your budget.

OA Floor Features


■Under floor wiring for effective use of indoor space

■Flexibility for expansion and moving to a new location

■Easy maintenance

■Maintains floor safety

■Simple and speedy economical installations


OA floors are generally divided into three types.